Thursday, May 26, 2016

[DIY] Tower of Saviors (ToSVirtualizer) (All versions)

[DIY] Tower of Saviors (ToSVirtualizer) (All versions)

Credits to Sydre (
I - Description
ToSVirtualizer is a tool for the iOS version of the game Tower of Saviors. It's not a in itself since it only provides the way to crte and run for the game.

It comes in the form of two executable computer programs for :ToSVirtualizer - The main program wich works like a proxy between the iPhone appliion and the game server, modifying the exchanged data on the fly, allowing the modifiion of certain aspects of the game.ToSVirtualizerPC - The secondary program wich allow you to crte your own to use with ToSVirtualizer by implementing your own logic for the data modifiion process. /!\ C# developer skills required /!\
The crted with ToSVirtualizerPC comes in the form of package files directly usable in ToSVirtualizer so you can sily set them up and share them with others.

II - Requirements
Computer:.NET Framework 4.5
Other:Your computer and your iPhone must be connected to internet over the same local network (Wifi ...)
/!\ You may need to disable your firewall /!\

III - Instructions
/!\ Don't forget to make a backup of the game before using ToSVirtualizer for the first time /!\

How to setup a package

Demo packages comes with the download in the "ToSVirtualizer - Documentation" directory. This show you how to set them up (and more erally any other package).

"(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" :

Replace your first tm by the following :Fox Queen Daji - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXHistory Writer Urd - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXFaith Skuld - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXFate Keeper Verdandi - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXSpirit Whisperer Valkyrie - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAX
Add the following helper :Luminmetallic Dragon Terenas - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAX
"(CH - Ultimate Fire)" :

Add the following custom helper :Ultimate Fire - Level : 1 - Active Skill : Paralyze - Lder Skill : Hellfire - Active Skill Level : MAX - Hlth : 1.000.000 - Attack : 20.000
"(T - oC + Ft + AGotM + B + GSoD) (H - FQD)" :

Replace your first tm by the following:Loki God of Chaos - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXFelix the Duke - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXArtemis Goddess of the Moon - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXBaphomet - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAXGrt Schema of Dark - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAX
Add the following helper :Fox Queen Daji - Level : MAX - Active Skill Level : MAX

After setting up a package, just launch the game on your iPhone to play with the activated.

How to crte a package:
Refer to the documentation in the "ToSVirtualizer - Documentation" directory of the download.

/!\ The documentation is currently written in french (I'll translate it later ...) /!\

How to go back to a normal game state after using ToSVirtualizer:
You can either :Restore your game from the backup you did rlierUse the "Restore" button in ToSVirtualizer after applying a package
IV - s:

V - DownloadsMediafire
VI - Updates

29/09/13Added version infos for v3_15_6983Updated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" package for v3_15_6983Updated the "(T - oC + Ft + AGotM + B + GSoD) (H - FQD)" package for v3_15_6983Updated the "(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" package for v3_15_6983
30/08/13TH version of the game is now supported
24/08/13ZH version of the game is now supported
23/08/13Added version infos for v3_06_5804Updated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" package for v3_06_5804Updated the "(T - oC + Ft + AGotM + B + GSoD) (H - FQD)" package for v3_06_5804Updated the "(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" package for v3_06_5804
19/07/13Added version infos for v3_03_5748Updated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" package for v3_03_5748Updated the "(T - oC + Ft + AGotM + B + GSoD) (H - FQD)" package for v3_03_5748Updated the "(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" package for v3_03_5748
16/07/13Added version infos for v3_00_5670Updated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" package for v3_00_5670Updated the "(T - oC + Ft + AGotM + B + GSoD) (H - FQD)" package for v3_00_5670Updated the "(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" package for v3_00_5670
19/05/13Implemented HTTP request parsingUpdated the documentationAdded version infos for v2_55_4501Added a new package "(T - oC + Ft + AGotM + B + GSoD) (H - FQD)"Updated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" packageUpdated the "(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" package
10/05/13Added version infos for v2_51_4458Updated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" package
05/05/13Implemented robust JSON parsing with JSON.NET 5.0Updated the "(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" packageUpdated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" package
02/05/13Updated the "(CH - Ultimate Fire)" package
01/05/13Added a new package "(CH - Ultimate Fire)"Updated the "(T - FQD + HWU + FS + FKV + SWV) (H - LDT)" package
28/04/13You can now restore your game directly from ToSVirtualizer after applying a package
27/04/13When an error occur ToSVirtualizer will display an explicit message instd of crashing without giving any rsonsAdded version infos for v2_06

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